Welcome to the Manitoba Bootnecks Airsoft Blog. We are a group of Airsoft enthusiasts based out of Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.

This site is always under construction, so keep coming back for more updates!


About the Bootnecks

My photo
Forming in early 2010, we instantly earned respect on the field with our fast-paced fighting style. We theme our team after various elements of the United Kingdoms Special Forces, from BDU to Weapons. The Royal Marine known to each other as "Royals" but the rest of the British Forces know them as bootnecks. This nickname is derived from them cutting the top from a leather boot and wearing it like a modern neck-brace to stop sailors cutting their throat while they guarded officers on board British sailing ships, dating back as far as 1750. So naturally with a history like that our team name was born. The Bootnecks are rapidly growing into a brotherhood, both on and off the field. A current roster can be found to the right.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

OP: Beacon in the Dark, 18/09/2010


Date: Saturday September 18 2010

- All Teams Arrive: 20:00 (8:00 PM) Load up and Chrony
- All Team Briefing: 21:00 (9:00 PM)
- Game Start Time: 22:00 (10:00 PM) SHARP

Cost: FREE
Note There will be a BBQ after the game (Approximately 02:00 (2AM) with free burgers)

This game is open to Youth / adults etc. Lowshots have been invited to play.
Please protect your teeth as this is a night game and more prone to accidents.

  • Night vision is allowed
  • Tracer Rounds - These are allowed and encouraged
  • There are no Ammunition restrictions or weapon restrictions
  • flashlights are allowed (you may want to use a red filter to keep your night vision)
There will be first aid on site (me) with my kit and the MAA kit

  • Game starts to a 10 minute cease fire to try to find CCP’s
  • Find, transport and setup base and spawn point.
  • Collect objectives your teams color objectives
  • Battle Enemy teams for their objectives
  • Raid enemy bases for their objectives.
  • transport those objectives back to a base of operations to store them.
  • Acquire HIGH VALUE OBJECIVES and either turn them in to me at the command post immediately (illuminated) tor immediate points or turn them off and transport them to your base to store until the end of the game
  • Teams at the end of the OP with the most points Wins
  • Your own team colored glow sticks = 1 point
  • Opposing team colored glow sticks = 5 points (must be won in battle only)
  • High Value Objectives = 100 points 

1 comment:

  1. This was my first outdoor night game, the challenges of playing Airsoft in the dark are super fun. We had a solid turn out with 3 teams totaling around 60-65 players. It was a great time and hats off to the Admin for his first OP. If you wanna know more or find info on Beacon II go to http://mb-airsoft.com/ and sign up on the boards.


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